Date Masamune



List of 80 Sengoku-bushos
who will appear in this game

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List of 80 famous Sengoku-bushos

Combine "kanji" letters in this card game to complete a "Sengoku-busho" name!
You can also try to collect 3 cards with the same family crest (“Kamon”) to complete a “Sengoku-busho” name.
  • 80 Sengoku generals will appear in this game!
  • Total no. of cards: 120 cards
  • * Family Name cards: 50 cards
  • * First Name cards: 70 cards
  • You will be combining 3 cards to form a name of Sengoku general
  • Not just for Sengoku period, but in Japan there have been many cases where a person inherited 1 kanji letter from parents’ or ancestors’ names and used it as part of his/her name.
  • Also, there were cases where a person was gifted with a kanji letter from a master he served. Strange, but that is the reason why the same kanji letters were used on the names of different Sengoku generals.

List of 80 Sengoku-bushos
who will appear in this game

【1】 明智 光秀
Akechi  Mitsuhide
【2】 浅井 長政
Azai Nagamasa
【3】 朝倉 義景
Asakura Yoshikage
【4】 浅野 長政
Asano Nagamasa
- 幸長 Yukinaga(son)
【5】 尼子 義久
Amago Yoshihisa
【6】 井伊 直政
I i  Naomasa
【7】 池田 恒興
    Ikeda Tsuneoki
- 輝政 Terumasa(son)
【8】 石田 三成
Ishida Mitsunari
【9】 今川 義元
Imagawa Yoshimoto
【10】 上杉 謙信
Uesugi Kenshin(father)
- 景勝 Kagekatsu(son)
- 景虎 Kagetora(son)
*both adopted
【11】宇喜多 直家
Ukita Naoie
- 秀家 Hideie(son)
【12】大内 義隆
Ouchi Yoshitaka
【13】大谷 吉継
Otani Yoshitsugu
【14】大友 宗麟
Otomo Sourin

【15】織田 信長
Oda Nobunaga
- 信忠 Nobutada(son)
【16】片倉 景綱
Katakura Kagetsuna
*known as Katakura Kojuro
【17】加藤 清正
Kato Kiyomasa
【18】蒲生 氏郷
Gamo Ujisato
【19】吉川 元春
Kikkawa Motoharu
【20】黒田 官兵衛
Kuroda Kambee
-      長政 Nagamasa(son)
【21】小早川 隆景
Kobayakawa Takakage
- 秀秋 Hideaki(son)
【22】小西 行長
Konishi Yukinaga
【23】斎藤 道三
Saito Dosan
【24】佐竹 義宣
Satake Yoshinobu
【25】佐々 成政
Sassa Narimasa
【26】真田 昌幸
Sanada Masayuki(father)
- 信幸 Nobuyuki(Eidest)
- 幸村 Yukimura(2nd son)
【27】柴田 勝家
Shibata Katsuie

【28】島津 義久(長男)
Shimazu Yoshihisa
- 義弘 Yoshihiro(2nd son)
- 家久 Iehisa(4th son)
【29】武田 信玄
Takeda Shingen(father)
- 勝頼  Katsuyori(son)
【30】竹中 半兵衛
Takenaka Hambee
【31】立花 宗茂
Tachibana Muneshige
【32】伊達 政宗
Date Masamune
【33】長宗我部 元親
Chosokabe Motochika
- 信親 Nobuchika(Eldest)
- 盛親 Morichika(4th son)
【34】徳川 Tokugawa
-1 家康 Ieyasu(1st)
-2 秀忠 Hidetada(2nd)
-3 家光 Iemitsu(3rd)
-4 家綱 Ietsuna(4th)
-5 綱吉 Tsunayoshi(5th)
-6 家宣 Ienobu(6th)
-7 家継 Ietsugu(7th)
-8 吉宗 Yoshimune(8th)
【35】藤堂 高虎
Todo Takatora
【36】豊臣 秀吉
Toyotomi Hideyoshi
- 秀長  Hidenaga(brother)
- 秀頼  Hideyori(son)
【37】丹羽 長秀
Niwa Nagahide
【38】南部 信直
Nambu Nobunao

【39】鍋島 直茂
Nabeshima Naoshige
【40】福島 正則
Fukushima Masanori
【41】北条 氏康
Hojo Ujiyasu
- 氏綱 Ujitsuna(Ujiyasu's father)
- 氏政 Ujimasa(Ujiyasu's son)
- 氏直 Ujinao(Ujiyasu's grandson)
【42】細川 忠興
Hosokawa Tadaoki
【43】本多 忠勝
Honda Tadakatsu
【44】前田 利家
Maeda Toshiie
- 利長  Toshinaga(son)
【45】松永 久秀
Matsunaga Hisahide
【46】毛利 元就
Mori Motonari
- 隆元  Takamoto (son)
- 輝元  Terumoto (grandson)
【47】最上 義光
Mogami Yoshimitsu
【48】山内 一豊
Yamauchi Kazutoyo
【49】結城 秀康
Yuki Hideyasu
【50】龍造寺 隆信
Ryuzoji Takanobu

Partial extract of explanation on Sengoku-busho names & family crests that are listed in the instruction sheet (sample)

The instruction sheet includes not only the names of Sengoku generals, but also the simple explanation of the family crests as well. When you gain some knowledge on what each family crest is expressing in its design, then you will naturally be interested to know more about these Sengoku generals!

Date Masamune


* 4 instruction sheets are included in each package of product.
List of family crests

Designed and created in JAPAN