What is Sengoku period?


The Japanese game
that's all about  
“Kanji”, “Sengoku-busho” and “Kamon”


What is Sengoku period?

HOME | What is Sengoku period?
Combine "kanji" letters in this card game to complete a "Sengoku-busho" name!
You can also try to collect 3 cards with the same family crest (“Kamon”) to complete a “Sengoku-busho” name.
The game rule is quite simple - collect & combine 3 kanji cards to form a name of Sengoku general (“Sengoku-busho”). Family crests (“Kamon”) can be a big clue for winning the game!

What was Sengoku period in Japan like?

  • The period during the late 16th century was regarded as the period of wartime = Sengoku period, where there were small countries within Japan that were competing with each other, trying to take over each other’s territories.
  • Sengoku period was the time when “SAMURAI” and “NINJA” were the most actively engaged in battles. “Sengoku-busho” means the Japanese generals from Sengoku period. They were also the feudal lords of these small countries, the leaders, and the bosses to “Samurais” and “Ninjas”.
By using military power, intelligence & stratagem, powerful Sengoku generals gradually expanded their territories.

Right before completing the unification of Japan, Oda Nobunaga was assassinated by Akechi Mitsuhide who was working under Oda, shattering his lifelong dream to unify the country. Toyotomi Hideyoshi, another general who was working under Oda, took over his dream and unified the whole country. However, Toyotomi Hideyoshi’s administration didn’t last long – Tokugawa Ieyasu held his power by force during 17th century.

Most Sengoku-bushos that appear in this game were the famous generals that were the most active during this Sengoku period.

  • After this the Tokugawa administration ruled the country during Edo period for around 260 years. Tokugawa Ieyasu constructed a castle in Tokyo, and established the fundamental part of the development of today’s Tokyo.
  • Also, since Edo period (1603 - 1868) was a peaceful era without a single war happening, the cultures flourished well as a result. The Edo civilians enjoyed going to “Kabuki” plays, and “Ukiyo-e” arts also made a huge development. The Edo civilians eagerly looked forward to seeing new Ukiyo-e art pieces released by the big artists such as “Sharaku”, “Utamaro”, "Hiroshige",and “Hokusai”.

The Tokugawa government was the one that supported these Edo towns that developed significantly.
The Tokugawa generals from the first generation who initially took over the government, up to the 8th generation – Tokiugawa Yoshimune, are featured in our game.

card of Sengoku-busho
Combine 1 “Family Name Card” and 2 “First Name Cards”.
By combining these 3 cards, you can complete a name of Japanese general from Sengoku period, “織田信長” in this example.
You can also complete the name by collecting 3 cards with the same family crest.There are 8 Sengoku generals who have the same kanji letter “信” in their first names.There are even 9 generals who share the same kanji “長”!



Drawn in the Edo period

Nihonbashi in Edo(Ukiyo-e drawn by Hiroshige)
Ukiyo-e Nihonbashi in Edo
 Fujisan(Ukiyo-e drawn by Hiroshige)
Ukiyo-e Fujisan
 Snow scene(Ukiyo-e drawn by Hiroshige)
Ukiyo-e drawn by Hiroshige
Ukyo-e drawn by Utamaro
Ukiyo-e drawn by Utamaro
Ukiyo-e drawn by Utamaro
Ukiyo-e drawn by Utamaro

Designed and created in JAPAN